Lab News
FALL 2024
• Spotlight on Grad student Nathan Anderson and his ARCS Foundation current news article. The Intersection of Research and Personal Journey: The Quest to Understand Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
• Welcome to graduate student Kasey Drake, who joined the lab Fall Term
• Welcome to undergrad Elena Barth, who joined the lab Spring Term
• Well deserved congratulations to Dr. Chris Doe for his Society for Developmental Biology 2024 Edwin G. Conklin Medal
• Welcome to PostDoc Ben Brissette, who joined the lab Winter term
Fall 2023
• Congratulations to past grad student now PostDoc, Dr. Emily Heckman for her Hanna Gray Fellowship award
• Welcome to graduate student Gonzalo Morales Chaya, who joined the lab Fall term
Summer 2023
• Welcome to graduate student Derek Epiney, who joined the lab this summer
• Welcome to undergrad Rishi Sastry, who joined the lab this summer
Spring 2023
• Congratulations to undergrad lab member Alanna Sowles for winning one of the two $10,000 Rod Capaldi Biology Scholarships
• Welcome to graduate student Nathan Anderson, who is joining the lab
• Welcome to graduate student Katie Fisher, who is joining the lab
• Welcome to graduate rotation student Derek Epiney, who will be with us for Spring Term
winter 2023
• Welcome to new PostDoc Megan Radler
• Congratulation to Doe Lab alum Mubarak H Syed, who has been awarded a Sloan Research Fellowship.
• Link to Eugene City Club featuring presentations by three UO undergraduate researchers, including our own Tyler Ramos
FALL 2022
• Welcome to Fall term graduate rotation student Sarah Jones
summer 2022
• Congratulations to Dr. Sarah Ackerman, a new Assistant Professor at Washington University in St. Louis.
• Welcome to undergrad Josmarie Graciani joining the lab
• Welcome to rotation student Dominique Granville who will be with us for the summer
• Welcome to grad student Peter Newstein who officially joins the lab
• Congratulations to Dr. Emily Heckman for her Doctorate completion and her new PostDoc position in the Clowney Lab, University of Michigan
spring 2022
• Current Biology article April 2022 “Hunchback activates Bicoid in Pair1 neurons to regulate synapse number and locomotor circuit function” Lee KM, Linskens AM. Doe CQ.
• Congratulations to undergrad Amanda Linskens for her ION Oral/Poster Award
• Congratulations to undergrad Tyler Ramos for his ION Diversity and Equity Award
• Welcome Spring rotation student Nathan Anderson
• Welcome Spring rotation student William Crow
winter 2022
• Congratulations to Doe lab alum, Yves Chabu. He was named University of Missouri College of Arts and Science, Biological Sciences Assistant Professor of the year
Fall 2021
• Welcome Fall rotation student Peter Newstein
• Welcome new undergrad Alanna Sowles
Summer 2021
• eLife article July 2021, “A locomotor neural circuit persists and functions similarly in larvae and adult Drosophila” Kristen Lee and Chris Q Doe
Spring 2021
• Welcome to undergrad Tyler Ramos who joins the lab.
• eLife article May 2021, “A developmental framework linking neurogenesis and circuit formation in the Drosophila CNS” Mark B, Lai S-L, Zarin AA, Manning L, Pollington HQ, Litwin-Kumar A, Cardona A, Truman JW, Doe CQ
• bioRxiv article April 2021, “A locomotor neural circuit persists and functions similarly in larvae and adult Drosophila”, Lee K, Doe CQ
• AroundtheO regarding Sarah’s Nature article “UO discovery could one day help rejuvenate the adult brain”, By Jim Barlow, University Communications
• Nature article 2021, issue 592, 414-420. “Astrocytes close a motor circuit critical period” Ackerman SD, Perez-Catalan NA, Freeman MR, Doe CQ
• Conversation Science Newsletter, April 12, 2021 Astrocyte cells in the fruit fly brain are an on-off switch that controls when neurons can change and grow, Ackerman SD
• Congratulations to Rita Yazejian, a undergrad alumni, on her acceptance to graduate school at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine's Biomedical Sciences program.
Winter 2021
• Congratulations to two of our undergrad stars who won awards at the SDB 2021 Northwest Regional Meeting.
-Amanda Linskens - Best undergrad poster!
-Sonja Zolnoski - 2nd Place best talk, all presenters!
• Welcome to Wtr rotation student Noah Dillon who will be joining the lab in Spring Term.
• Doe lab website was highlighted in Winter Term OVPRI Training and Professional Development Workshop titled “An Introduction to Honors and Awards for Early Career Faculty” Webpage / PDF of Powerpoint
• Congratulations to Sarah Ackerman for her K99 Pathway to Independence Award.
• The Journal of Neuroscience article 2021, 41(6) “Establishment and Maintenance of Neural Circuit Architecture” Heckman EL, Doe CQ.
• Congratulations to Mubarak Hussain Syed for his NSF Career Award! University of New Mexico Newsroom.
• New paper just published from an undergraduate student in the lab, Nelson Perez-Catalan! “The role of astrocyte‐mediated plasticity in neural circuit development and function” Neural Developlopment 2021 (16-1), Perez-Catalan, Doe CQ, Ackerman SD.
• Neuron article 2021, (109) “Comparative Connectomics Reveals How Partner Identity, Location, and Activity Specify Synaptic Connectivity in Drosophila” Valdes-Aleman J, Fetter RD, Sales EC, Heckman EL, Venkatasubramanian L, Doe CQ, Landgraf M, Cardona A, Zlatic M.
Fall 2020
• Congratulations to Arnaldo Carrreira-Rosario for his K99 Pathway to Independence Award.
• Neural Development article 2020 (15:13) “Precise levels of nectin-3 are required for proper synapse formation in postnatal visual cortex” Tomorsky J, Parker PRL, Doe CQ, Niell CM.
Summer 2020
• PostBac Stefan Abreo joins the lab
Spring 2020
• Coronavirus Pandemic hits, but research continues. University of Oregon closes campus to classes and all are moved to online and we all discover Zoom.
• Graduate student Heather Foote joins the lab.
• PostDoc Chundi Xu joins the lab.
Winter 2020
• Neural Development article 2020 (15:9) “A novel temporal identity window generates alternating Eve+/NKx6+ motor neuron subtypes in a single progenitor lineage” Seroka A, Yazejian RM, Lai S-L, Doe CQ.
• Congratulations to Aref Zarin on his Assistant Professor position at Texas A&M University, Department of Biology. Lab Webpage:
Fall 2019
• eLife article December 2019, "A multilayer circuit architecture for the generation of distinct locomotor behaviors in Drosophila". Zarin AA, Mark B, Cardona A, Litwin-Kumar A, Doe CQ
• Rotation student Heather Foote joins the lab for Fall Term.
Summer 2019
• bioRxiv article July 2019, "Synaptic specificity is collectively determined by partner identity, location and activity". Valdes-Aleman J, Fetter RD, Sales EC, Doe CQ, Landgraf M, Cardona A, Zlatic M
• bioRxiv article July 2019, "The role of lineage, hemilineage and temporal identity in establishing neuronal connectivity in the Drosophila larval CNS". Mark B, Lai S-L, Zarin AA, Manning L, Cardona A, Truman JW, Doe CQ
• Congratulations to Dr. Chris Doe for his 7-year HHMI renewal.
• Grad student Jordan Munroe joins the lab.
• PostDoc Kristen Lee joins the lab.
• Rotation student Katie Fisher joins the lab for Summer and Fall term.
Spring 2019
• Development article April 2019, "The Hunchback temporal transcription factor determines motor neuron axon and dendrite targeting in Drosophila." Seroka AQ, Doe CQ
• eLife article April 2019, "Regulation of subcellular dendritic synapse specificity by axon guidance cues." Sales EC, Heckman LE, Warren TL, Doe CQ
• Congratulations to our latest graduate students who have completed their Doctorates; Luis Sullivan, PhD and Emily Sales, PhD.
Winter 2019
• eLife article February 2019, "Temporal identity establishes columnar neuron morphology, connectivity, and function in a Drosophila navigation circuit." Sullivan LF, Warren TL, Doe CQ
• eLife article, January 2019, "Neuroblast-specific chromatin landscapes allows the integration of spatial and temporal cues during Drosophila neurogenesis." Sen SQ, Chanchani S, Southall TD, Doe CQ
• Rotation student Jordan Munroe joins the lab for winter term.
Fall 2018
• eLife article, December 2018. "A repressor-decay timer for robust temporal patterning in embryonicDrosophila neuroblast lineages." Averbukh I, Lai SL, Doe CQ, Barkai N
• Congratulations to Mubarak H. Syed on his Assistant Professor position at the University of New Mexico, Department of Biology. Lab web page:
• Welcome three new undergrads to the lab: Kim Corona, Amanda Linskens and Sonja Zolnoski
• eLife article, August 2018. "MDN brain descending neurons coordinately activate backward and inhibit forward locomotion." Carreira-Rosario A, Zarin AA, Clark MQ, Manning L, Fetter RD, Cardona A, Doe CQ