Lab News

FALL 2024
Spotlight on Grad student Nathan Anderson and his ARCS Foundation current news article. The Intersection of Research and Personal Journey: The Quest to Understand Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Welcome to graduate student Kasey Drake, who joined the lab Fall Term

Welcome to undergrad Elena Barth, who joined the lab Spring Term

Well deserved congratulations to Dr. Chris Doe for his Society for Developmental Biology 2024 Edwin G. Conklin Medal
Welcome to PostDoc Ben Brissette, who joined the lab Winter term

Fall 2023

Congratulations to past grad student now PostDoc, Dr. Emily Heckman for her Hanna Gray Fellowship award
Welcome to graduate student Gonzalo Morales Chaya, who joined the lab Fall term

Summer 2023

Welcome to graduate student Derek Epiney, who joined the lab this summer
Welcome to undergrad Rishi Sastry, who joined the lab this summer

Spring 2023

Congratulations to undergrad lab member Alanna Sowles for winning one of the two $10,000 Rod Capaldi Biology Scholarships
Welcome to graduate student Nathan Anderson, who is joining the lab
Welcome to graduate student Katie Fisher, who is joining the lab
Welcome to graduate rotation student Derek Epiney, who will be with us for Spring Term

winter 2023

Welcome to new PostDoc Megan Radler
Congratulation to Doe Lab alum Mubarak H Syed, who has been awarded a Sloan Research Fellowship.
Link to Eugene City Club featuring presentations by three UO undergraduate researchers, including our own Tyler Ramos

FALL 2022

Welcome to Fall term graduate rotation student Sarah Jones

summer 2022

Congratulations to Dr. Sarah Ackerman, a new Assistant Professor at Washington University in St. Louis.
Welcome to undergrad Josmarie Graciani joining the lab
Welcome to rotation student Dominique Granville who will be with us for the summer
Welcome to grad student Peter Newstein who officially joins the lab
Congratulations to Dr. Emily Heckman for her Doctorate completion and her new PostDoc position in the Clowney Lab, University of Michigan

spring 2022

Current Biology article April 2022 “Hunchback activates Bicoid in Pair1 neurons to regulate synapse number and locomotor circuit function” Lee KM, Linskens AM. Doe CQ.
Congratulations to undergrad Amanda Linskens for her ION Oral/Poster Award
Congratulations to undergrad Tyler Ramos for his ION Diversity and Equity Award
Welcome Spring rotation student Nathan Anderson
Welcome Spring rotation student William Crow

winter 2022

Congratulations to Doe lab alum, Yves Chabu. He was named University of Missouri College of Arts and Science, Biological Sciences Assistant Professor of the year

Fall 2021

Welcome Fall rotation student Peter Newstein
Welcome new undergrad Alanna Sowles

Summer 2021

eLife article July 2021, “A locomotor neural circuit persists and functions similarly in larvae and adult Drosophila” Kristen Lee and Chris Q Doe

Spring 2021

Welcome to undergrad Tyler Ramos who joins the lab.

eLife article May 2021, “A developmental framework linking neurogenesis and circuit formation in the Drosophila CNS” Mark B, Lai S-L, Zarin AA, Manning L, Pollington HQ, Litwin-Kumar A, Cardona A, Truman JW, Doe CQ

bioRxiv article April 2021, “A locomotor neural circuit persists and functions similarly in larvae and adult Drosophila”, Lee K, Doe CQ

AroundtheO regarding Sarah’s Nature article “UO discovery could one day help rejuvenate the adult brain”, By Jim Barlow, University Communications

Nature article 2021, issue 592, 414-420. “Astrocytes close a motor circuit critical period” Ackerman SD, Perez-Catalan NA, Freeman MR, Doe CQ

Conversation Science Newsletter, April 12, 2021 Astrocyte cells in the fruit fly brain are an on-off switch that controls when neurons can change and grow, Ackerman SD

Congratulations to Rita Yazejian, a undergrad alumni, on her acceptance to graduate school at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine's Biomedical Sciences program.

Winter 2021

Congratulations to two of our undergrad stars who won awards at the SDB 2021 Northwest Regional Meeting.
-Amanda Linskens - Best undergrad poster!
-Sonja Zolnoski - 2nd Place best talk, all presenters!

Welcome to Wtr rotation student Noah Dillon who will be joining the lab in Spring Term.

Doe lab website was highlighted in Winter Term OVPRI Training and Professional Development Workshop titled “An Introduction to Honors and Awards for Early Career Faculty” Webpage / PDF of Powerpoint

Congratulations to Sarah Ackerman for her K99 Pathway to Independence Award.

The Journal of Neuroscience article 2021, 41(6) “Establishment and Maintenance of Neural Circuit Architecture” Heckman EL, Doe CQ.

Congratulations to Mubarak Hussain Syed for his NSF Career Award! University of New Mexico Newsroom.

New paper just published from an undergraduate student in the lab, Nelson Perez-Catalan! “The role of astrocyte‐mediated plasticity in neural circuit development and function” Neural Developlopment 2021 (16-1), Perez-Catalan, Doe CQ, Ackerman SD.

Neuron article 2021, (109) “Comparative Connectomics Reveals How Partner Identity, Location, and Activity Specify Synaptic Connectivity in Drosophila” Valdes-Aleman J, Fetter RD, Sales EC, Heckman EL, Venkatasubramanian L, Doe CQ, Landgraf M, Cardona A, Zlatic M.

Fall 2020

Congratulations to Arnaldo Carrreira-Rosario for his K99 Pathway to Independence Award.

Neural Development article 2020 (15:13) “Precise levels of nectin-3 are required for proper synapse formation in postnatal visual cortex” Tomorsky J, Parker PRL, Doe CQ, Niell CM.

Summer 2020

PostBac Stefan Abreo joins the lab

Spring 2020

Coronavirus Pandemic hits, but research continues. University of Oregon closes campus to classes and all are moved to online and we all discover Zoom.

Graduate student Heather Foote joins the lab.

PostDoc Chundi Xu joins the lab.

Winter 2020

Neural Development article 2020 (15:9) “A novel temporal identity window generates alternating Eve+/NKx6+ motor neuron subtypes in a single progenitor lineage” Seroka A, Yazejian RM, Lai S-L, Doe CQ.

  Congratulations to Aref Zarin on his Assistant Professor position at Texas A&M University, Department of Biology. Lab Webpage:


Fall 2019

  eLife article December 2019, "A multilayer circuit architecture for the generation of distinct locomotor behaviors in Drosophila". Zarin AA, Mark B, Cardona A, Litwin-Kumar A, Doe CQ

  Rotation student Heather Foote joins the lab for Fall Term.


Summer 2019

  bioRxiv article July 2019, "Synaptic specificity is collectively determined by partner identity, location and activity". Valdes-Aleman J, Fetter RD, Sales EC, Doe CQ, Landgraf M, Cardona A, Zlatic M

  bioRxiv article July 2019, "The role of lineage, hemilineage and temporal identity in establishing neuronal connectivity in the Drosophila larval CNS". Mark B, Lai S-L, Zarin AA, Manning L, Cardona A, Truman JW, Doe CQ

  Congratulations to Dr. Chris Doe for his 7-year HHMI renewal.

  Grad student Jordan Munroe joins the lab.

  PostDoc Kristen Lee joins the lab.

  Rotation student Katie Fisher joins the lab for Summer and Fall term.


Spring 2019

  Development article April 2019, "The Hunchback temporal transcription factor determines motor neuron axon and dendrite targeting in Drosophila." Seroka AQ, Doe CQ

  eLife article April 2019, "Regulation of subcellular dendritic synapse specificity by axon guidance cues." Sales EC, Heckman LE, Warren TL, Doe CQ

 • Congratulations to our latest graduate students who have completed their Doctorates; Luis Sullivan, PhD and Emily Sales, PhD.


Winter 2019

  eLife article February 2019, "Temporal identity establishes columnar neuron morphology, connectivity, and function in a Drosophila navigation circuit." Sullivan LF, Warren TL, Doe CQ

  eLife article, January 2019, "Neuroblast-specific chromatin landscapes allows the integration of spatial and temporal cues during Drosophila neurogenesis." Sen SQ, Chanchani S, Southall TD, Doe CQ

  Rotation student Jordan Munroe joins the lab for winter term.

Fall 2018

eLife article, December 2018. "A repressor-decay timer for robust temporal patterning in embryonicDrosophila neuroblast lineages." Averbukh I, Lai SL, Doe CQ, Barkai N

  Congratulations to Mubarak H. Syed on his Assistant Professor position at the University of New Mexico, Department of Biology. Lab web page:

  Welcome three new undergrads to the lab: Kim Corona, Amanda Linskens and Sonja Zolnoski

  eLife article, August 2018. "MDN brain descending neurons coordinately activate backward and inhibit forward locomotion." Carreira-Rosario A, Zarin AA, Clark MQ, Manning L, Fetter RD, Cardona A, Doe CQ